Posts Tagged ‘mosaic’

By Corey Sturmer

In the wake of a water utility disaster which involved the Orange Water and Sewer Authority “accidentally” over-fluoridating the public water supply, OWASA is holding a series of meetings to discuss the emergency and hear from concerned citizens regarding the incident. At the first public comment section which took place February 9, the majority of citizens who took time to speak focused narrowly on OWASA’s longstanding public water fluoridation policy and demanded it’s immediate cessation. OWASA had been warned about the dangers as far back as 2012, but persisted in their march to fluoridate leading up to the disaster. OWASA has actually already suspended the public water fluoridation program after the ‘accident’ but then brought in an alleged “Independent Consultant” who was tasked with delivering a report on the infrastructure failures and ways to improve. The consultant is CH2M Hill, which is a multi-billion dollar government trough company with negative revenue who also happens to have a conflict of interest in this matter since they contract with the very same fertilizer companies who produce and sell fluoride across the United States. Not surprisingly, CH2M Hill is being even less critical of the fluoridation policy than OWASA and it seems apparent that the Town of Chapel Hill will continue the policy if the citizens don’t speak up. In the 2nd public comment meeting on this topic, OWASA accomplished the following things;

1) Admitted that Fluoride causes leaching from lead pipes / joints / fixtures

2) Admitted that OWASA is not mandated to fluoridate

3) Admitted by omission that OWASA customers never voted to fluoridate

4) Admitted that there is no barrier between the fluoridation clearwell and the distribution system

5) Admitted that they will allow over-fluoridation in the future as a cost-benefit to prevent having to cut off the water

6) Voted unanimously against allowing the OWASA customers to have a public referendum on public water fluoridation. As you can see, OWASA is a corrupted and compromised institution that does not have the public’s best interest at heart.

You can contact the OWASA Board here:

And support our efforts here:…

In Response to the recent over-fluoridation of the community water supply, the citizens make their voices HEARD!

OWASA is extremely upset and disturbed by the awakening public who has forced their hand in revisiting this longstanding practice.  They are doing all they can to perform damage control and avoid negligence in this costly and dangerous disaster but given the fact that we have notified them as early as 2012, they are in an extremely compromised position!

One of the most prominent Nazis, a man who helped organize the logistics for mass deportation of millions of Jews right into internment & extermination camps during the Holocaust, once stated in defense of these obvious war crimes that he could not accept a guilty charge…why?:

It was my misfortune to become entangled in these atrocities. But these misdeeds did not happen according to my wishes. It was not my wish to slay people. . . . Once again I would stress that I am guilty of having been obedient, having subordinated myself to my official duties and the obligations of war service and my oath of allegiance and my oath of office, and in addition, once the war started, there was also martial law. . . . I did not persecute Jews with avidity and passion. That is what the government did. . . . At that time obedience was demanded, just as in the future it will also be demanded of the subordinate.

-Adolf Eichmann defending his systematic genocide during his 1961 war crimes trial

In a nutshell Adolf refused to hold himself accountable & asked society to do likewise because he was simply “doing his job.”  As his subsequent execution demonstrates, “following orders” is not an adequate defense in a logical & ethically consistent society.

It is not my intention to draw any parallels between the scale of atrocities committed under Nazi Eichmann to the issue of “community water fluoridation,” but I raise this significant historical reference to help illustrate the fact that doing Wrong despite common sense, using your employment as a shield to deflect persecution, is not an adequate defense & deserves punishment.  I only wanted to preface this special report with a bold example of this very same mental disease which I have come to realize is endemic in corporate government, and in fact here in Durham North Carolina.

In this spirit I present this exclusive hidden-camera footage of Durham resident & incredibly talented sculptor, Robert Mihaly, who is depicted below filing an assault & battery charge against Tom Harden at a police substation for fluoridating the public drinking water.

If that name does not ring a bell, Tom Harden is the unassuming Superintendent of Williams Water Treatment Plant, also known as the one individual most responsible for the actual fluoridation of our water in Durham County.

Part I

Sure Tom Harden is a nice fellow & simply doing his job. But in all truth it is by Tom’s hands, and his hands alone, that the toxic waste Hydrofluorosilicic Acid  is deliberately added to Durham’s drinking water.

He chooses to do it.

The most tragic reality is that Tom would be the first to tell you that he simply does as City Council orders him to do.  I know as a matter of personal experience because Tom said almost exactly this off camera when he was kind enough to give me a tour of the water plant in 2013…

But is “just doing your job” good enough? 

  • If I were to add rophenol to a female’s drink at the bar, I could go to jail for a number of different assault charges.
  • If I were a doctor & I administered medicine without informing the patient I could lose my license and/or face legal action.
  • If I inject someone with a vaccine against their consent I could be arrested for assault with a deadly weapon
  • But…If I get paid by Durham City Council to drug the water supply, that is not only allowed but somehow ethical?

Basic, elementary ethics dictate that drugging anyone against their consent & without their foreknowledge is completely wrong, no matter who is giving the orders or who is doing the deed.  Not only is community water fluoridation self evidently unethical but it also happens to be illegal under North Carolina general statutes & FDA drug laws. As we have discussed many times, it is being administered as a preventative medicine in a blanket manner through the water supply, without full disclosure or prescription & according to NC G.S. § 90-18 the CITY OF DURHAM is in direct violation of practicing medicine without a license.

This is just a stunt!

Is it?

Since the powers that be fully rolled out the national fluoridation program in the late 1950’s, a plumb 70% of American counties now add some form of fluoride to their public drinking water supplies.  For North Carolinians that percentage is more like 85% +.    In Durham County, the form of fluoride used is Hydrofluorosilicic Acid which is extracted from the wet pollution scrubbers at fertilizer mines owned by a company called MOSAIC.  This is tacitly admitted on Durham’s website!!

A little more digging gets you the material safety data sheet, from which any competent high-schooler could glean that this is not a safe material to drink.

The motivations behind such a devastating rape of a public resource as inherently ours as the air we breath, will be speculated & pondered upon for eons into the future. However valid postulating about the conspiracy might be, what is more prudent to do at this particular juncture, is to admit fully to ourselves that we already lost the hearts & minds, so we can go on changing them.

Once that reality sets in, you have to act. 

I get e-mails all the time from readers who want guidance on how they can get fluoride removed in their area.  I am flattered some readers believe I have a silver bullet but if success is measured by whether your city still fluoridates the water or not, I am a complete failure!   I am always happy to give advice & share what I have learned in this experience but the 2014 reality is that despite all of my efforts since 2011, Durham has so far successfully passed the fluoride hot-potato in such a manner as to deny wrong doing, avoid prosecution,  – AND – continue fluoridating the water!

What I have learned & what I hope this video will demonstrate is that all that is required, is for each person to do something.  Follow through.  Whatever it is – it could be a conversation, an e-mail, a donation.  It doesn’t matter.

For those who want change; it is up to each and every single one of us, independently from one another, to listen to our soul & decide what it is we are inspired to do…Then to just do it! 

Part II

Want to follow up on the police report?

Call Durham County Record’s Office to get a Copy of the latest report: (919) 560-4423

Call Durham’s Non-Emergency Line & ask for the status of the report using ref. # 14-007642: (919) 560-4600



Editor’s Note:  I want to share this blurb with you from Time Magazine’s online publication, because it confirms two key points I have maintained since I created, however not been adequately refuted by the bureaucracy responsible for fluoridating our water here in Durham North Carolina.


  1. That fluoride (especially in the form Hydrofluorosilicic acid) is an “industrial chemical” and,
  2. That drinking fluoride has the material affect of lowering your intelligence quotient

As you read this casual confirmation in a mainstream publication, just remember that our city website tacitly admits to adding one of the below named IQ stultifying industrial chemicals to your water.   Here is a video of the actual tank which pours this corrosive compound into our drinking water:

Source: Time Health & Family

A new report finds the number of chemicals contributing to brain disorders in children has doubled since 2006

By Alice Parker 2/14/2014

In recent years, the prevalence of developmental disorders such as autism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and dyslexia have soared. While greater awareness and more sophisticated diagnoses are partly responsible for the rise, researchers say the changing environment in which youngsters grow up may also be playing a role.

In 2006, scientists from the Harvard School of Public Health and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai identified five industrial chemicals responsible for causing harm to the brain — lead, methylmercury, polychlorinated biphenyls (found in electric transformers, motors and capacitors), arsenic (found in soil and water as well as in wood preservatives and pesticides) and toluene (used in processing gasoline as well as in paint thinner, fingernail polish and leather tanning). Exposure to these neurotoxins was associated with changes in neuron development in the fetus as well as among infants, and with lower school performance, delinquent behavior, neurological abnormalities and reduced IQ in school-age children.

(MORE: A Link Between Pesticides and Attention Disorders?)

Now the same researchers have reviewed the literature and found six additional industrial chemicals that can hamper normal brain development. These are manganese, fluoride, chlorpyrifos, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, tetrachloroethylene and polybrominated diphenyl ethers. Manganese, they say, is found in drinking water and can contribute to lower math scores and heightened hyperactivity, while exposure to high levels of fluoride from drinking water can contribute to a seven-point drop in IQ on average. The remaining chemicals, which are found in solvents and pesticides, have been linked to deficits in social development and increased aggressive behaviors.

The research team acknowledges that there isn’t a causal connection between exposure to any single chemical and behavioral or neurological problems — it’s too challenging to isolate the effects of each chemical to come to such conclusions. But they say the growing body of research that is finding links between higher levels of these chemicals in expectant mothers’ blood and urine and brain disorders in their children should raise alarms about how damaging these chemicals can be. The developing brain in particular, they say, is vulnerable to the effects of these chemicals, and in many cases, the changes they trigger are permanent.

“The consequence of such brain damage is impaired [central nervous system] function that lasts a lifetime and might result in reduced intelligence, as expressed in terms of lost IQ points, or disruption in behavior,” they write in their report, which was published in the journal Lancet Neurology.

They point to two barriers to protecting children from such exposures — not enough testing of industrial chemicals and their potential effect on brain development before they are put into widespread use, and the enormous amount of proof that regulatory agencies require in order to put restrictions or limitations on chemicals. Most control of such substances, they note, occurs after negative effects are found among adults; in children, the damage may be more subtle, in the form of lower IQ scores or hyperactivity, that might not be considered pathological or dangerous. “Our very great concern is that children worldwide are being exposed to unrecognized toxic chemicals that are silently eroding intelligence, disrupting behaviors, truncating future achievements and damaging societies, perhaps most seriously in developing countries,” they write. “A new framework of action is needed.”

In this unprecedented special report from, we officially launch our investigation to discover just what exactly the City of Durham has been doing to our tap water.

With the ongoing fracking controversy, recent chemical spill in West Virginia & now the third largest coal ash spill in North Carolina history, water quality concerns should be top of mind for every American citizen in 2014.

That is why we decided to use some of the donations our effort has accumulated to commission an independent analysis of the residual sludge left after more than 7 months of distilling the city of Durham’s municipal tap water.  We are employing the National Testing Laboratories to evaluate a sample of the liquid depicted in the video above.

For more details on what this test will be trying to determine, click here.

Our special report also explains how distillation is the ultimate method of water purification, guaranteed to remove 100% of the fluoride & other toxins that are contaminating our public tap water.

Did you just learn about fluoride & want the only method guaranteed to remove it? You’ve come to the right spot.

Stay tuned on for updates as we receive these revealing results from the National Testing Laboratories & report on our findings.


Friend us:



Charlee Eades was likely the only individual besides myself who was in attendance during the March 2013 Durham board of health hearing who was not paid or affiliated with the state and city government.  Therefore her eyewitness account to what happened that day remains crucial evidence as to  what deceptions & techniques were used by the government to disseminate false information among the Durham County Board of Health in order to mire their critical thinking and produce the current recommendation to continue drugging the City of Durham’s public drinking water.

Since she can not attend the city council work session tomorrow, where this fallacious recommendation will be officially rendered by Gayle Harris to the Durham City council, she has penned her own appeal, published below, and I will hand deliver it tomorrow.  It is an important and worthwhile account from a different perspective than my own which should be seriously considered when trying to understand how it is that the Powers That Be continue to indoctrinate the agents of our government to keep poisoning all of our public water resources.

My Appeal of the Board Of Health’s Recommendation to Continue Medicating Durham’s Water

Mr. Bell & Durham City Council members,

I am writing you because I am unable to attend Thursday’s public meeting due to work obligations, but want to issue my full support of the appeal of the Durham Public Health Board’s recommendation to continue the practice of water fluoridation.

I have personally attended numerous “DPHB” board meetings over the past year and the March 2013 Ad Hoc “expert panel review” where I witnessed an unfair and rather extreme bias towards pro-fluoridation. It is bothersome to me that my avenue to address what I consider to be a very serious health concern is handled with clear cognitive bias. As I am sure you are aware, this meeting was held with the pretense that no public comment would be allowed & if one was to speak out of turn, a police officer was positioned in the room to escort any such citizens out of the building. Video Evidence Below:

With the blatant and reprehensible threat to the First Amendment aside, I am writing specifically to make you aware that the panel of 5 experts in fields related to the fluoride issue (only 4 were present to comment) pledged, unabashedly, in favor of fluoridation.

Each of these experts were either employed by or provide direct consultation to the state of North Carolina and the City of Durham.  This is especially problematic because there was no one present or rather, no one present who was allowed to speak, that could provide an independent or alternative viewpoint, which at the very least, would tip this purported “review” out of the territory of being painfully biased.

Furthermore, panel expert Amy Keyworth, a Hydrogeologist, answered questions from the DPHB with research regarding water exclusively collected & studied for the NC Private Well Program.  I find this odd considering this is a public policy directly affecting the public water supply.  Why would statistics on the private well program illustrate any meaningful data for the DPHB to consider? The testimony delivered by Mrs. Keyworth is moot for it’s complete lack of relativity to the debate.  However, because no expert was present to debate and give credibility to the facts presented at this meeting, many opinions went unsubstantiated.

For example, in response to a question fielded by Board Member & Ad Hoc Committee Chair Dr. F. Vincent Allison, DDS regarding the form or source of fluoride used by Durham in its public water supply, Mrs. Keyworth stated clearly that naturally occurring “fluoride” was used. This is patently false and you must certainly agree as this information is sourced directly from Durham’s Department of Water Management. Durham actually purchases hydrofluorsilicic acid from PENCCO chemical company, and this is stated on your own website! More concerning was that seated beside Amy Keyworth was Vicki Westbrook, Assistant Director of Durham Water Management, who never corrected Amy’s fallacious statement. I would hope she knows the precise chemicals purchased with public money to use for public consumption, since it is a highly corrosive material requiring increased safety regulations, and especially given that Ms. Westbrook was present this day as an expert to clarify and verify matters regarding the Water treatment standards and procedures.

In the absence of facts, a citizen, Corey Sturmer, thought it was pertinent to correct Mrs. Keyworth as this is information critical to the DPHB in its review of the fluoridation policy which it intended to further recommend to the City Council.  Mr. Sturmer was met with several gavel knocks and a swift escort from the room & ultimately the building, for correcting an “expert” who was delivering obvious disinformation to the DPHB.

I remained in the room following this disturbing display of supremacy and was disappointed to see the deterioration of the discussion from science and ethics based to outright slander of so-called “alternative viewpoints” or as “expert” Dr. Rebecca King so eloquently put it “You know you can’t believe everything you read on the internet.”

If only I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard that phrase to “debunk” or detract from a legitimate argument.

This poor attempt to dismiss all research hosted online, because it may serve to shape the debate against this policy, is a relic of the technologically illiterate. If we apply this sentiment evenly, then the information displayed on Durham’s own municipal or governmental sites could be deemed invalid as a proper source.

It is simply unacceptable that Durham believes a one-sided debate will deliver the satisfactory “due diligence” review, as announced by Mr. James Miller at the beginning of the panel, mind you only moments before telling everyone that those who “spoke out of turn” would be escorted away by a policeman, like a criminal.

This is not elementary school or reformatory school, this is my life and my body being discussed and I implore my elected and un-elected officials to take these matters seriously, not for themselves, but for the public good.

An appeal of the DPHB ‘s recommendation is necessary to ensure all relative viewpoints are represented and that all opinions are counter-weighted.   Two members of the panel were dentists with backgrounds in both pediatrics & public health, but no one was there to speak to the effects on the human body comprehensively. Is it not remiss to believe the fluoride we consume only touches our teeth before being swallowed- when it is in fact absorbed by your bones & organs?

Dr. Timothy Wright said that the Harvard studies showing a decrease in IQ among grade-school age children who ingested fluoride in China [Harvard, 2012] did not “pan out.” No specific reasons were ever stated as to why these studies failed to “pan out” but also no Board Member pushed Mr. Wright for clarification or more information whatsoever. The Harvard study was completely dismissed from that moment on, as were other studies that found negative side effects to water fluoridation. Those others, Wright vaguely said, “didn’t pan out” either.

I have to tell you that the reason I ultimately excused myself from this meeting was due to comments made by Dr. Rebecca King in response to a question from Dr. Nancy Short, DrPH, MBA, RN, on how to “Deal” with citizens who do not support the practice of medicating people against their will. Dr. King scoffed “Good Luck” and stated “these people will never be satisfied because they will always have something to complain about” and “bad information” from various “internet sources” to support it. King was dismissive of all information she deemed “alternative,” “independent,” or not in concurrence with the ADA, CDC or the NC Board of Public Health, despite never providing a specific “bad” source.  This sweeping disrespect of citizen’s who seek change in public health policy was so offensive to me that I left.

On top of demonstrating a clear cognitive bias towards the practice of fluoridating unsuspecting citizens, despite recent and developing research to the contrary, it is also important to highlight that the city has no issue stifling the public from voicing complaints, enforcing dejection from public meetings due to free speech no less and outright disrespect of its citizens with a “majority rule” mentality.

In all of the meetings that I have attended, never have I once witnessed a discussion about the cost of mass fluoridation compared to the cost of toothpaste and toothbrush for those in dire need. If money is to be spent, it should be spent wisely and with the health of the populace at the forefront of your minds. Durham City Council and the DPHB has displayed thus far a blatant disregard for all citizen complaints and has instead supported a biased review of the available information, all while failing to even discuss the financials.

I pledge support to Mr. Sturmer’s Appeal of the DPHB recommendation to continue this unethical practice. The Durham City Council has an obligation its to citizens to conduct sound & unbiased reviews of its practices and to ensure that such reviews are welcoming to public debate, as should be mandated.  It is simply impossible to condense an argument against a policy of this nature and magnitude into 3 minutes for you, our civil servants, to digest and scrutinize. What a shame it would be in years to come to find out that the IQs of the children in Durham have decreased just as those in China and could have been avoided had fluoride been applied only topically, as it is intended, and not via the public water supply. Will you think back to the pesky citizens who warned you and wonder why did we not avoid it all together? That’s only a hypothetical though- what about for all of the mothers who use Durham’s water to mix with their baby’s formula? Should they not at the very least be warned that the CDC has found the levels of “optimal” fluoride currently maintained in Durham will directly increase the child’s risk of dental fluorosis (mottling of tooth enamel)? This information could have been communicated to the Durham Public Health Board during its review of the practice had they allowed citizens to speak without fear of dejection by an officer of the law.

I thank you for your time and for your consideration to this important matter. 


Charlee G. Eades

May 21, 2013 – Fluoride Action Network Press Release

Clean Water Portland

Portland, Oregon — A broad coalition of Portlanders have resoundingly rejected adding fluoridation chemicals to the city’s water supply.  By a 61%  to 39% margin, Portland voters agreed with the positon of most western nations that there are safer, more effective, and less intrusive ways to promote oral health than adding a chemical linked to thyroid disease, IQ loss, and other ailments to the water supply.

“We are proud of our Portland colleagues who used science and integrity to defeat fluoridation and the public relations blitzkrieg that backed it,” says Paul Connett, PhD, FAN’s Executive Director.

Portland’s clean water campaign was spearheaded by Clean Water Portland (CWP), a broad coalition formed in August 2012 after a newspaper revealed secret ongoing fluoridation meetings with Portland City Council members that were illegally kept off the record. With virtually no public input, the City Council mandated fluoridation for the city on September 12. CWP then led an unprecedented effort that gathered over 40,000 signatures in less than 30 days to halt the mandate and force the referendum vote.

Clean Water Portland – Photo by Mark Colman

Fluoride chemicals are the only chemicals added to public water for the purpose of medication. Most western countries, including the vast majority of Europe, do not fluoridate their water.

“Most of Portland’s media falsely reported that fluoridation promoters had science on their side and that opponents used emotion,” says Connett.

“Those opposed did their homework, relying on recent scientific findings from the National Research Council (NRC) and Harvard that raise serious questions about the safety of current fluoride exposures.”

In 2006, the NRC warned that current fluoride exposures in the US may increase the risk of thyroid disease, endocrine disruption, neurological disorders, and bone damage – particularly among people who have medical conditions that increase their vulnerability to fluoride.  The NRC called on scientists to investigate fluoride’s role in chronic disease, but government health authorities have opted against funding this research.

Photo by Mark Colman

Portland’s vote comes just six months after voters in Wichita, Kansas soundly rejected fluoridation by a 20% margin, and follows close on the heels of an announcement this April that Israel will be ending its mandatory fluoridation program. In Ireland, legislation was proposed this spring that would make it a criminal offense to add fluoride to public water supplies, and in Canada, the number of people drinking fluoridated water has dropped by about 25% since 2008.

“The 21st century does not take well to anachronistic medical practices, and fluoridation is no exception.  This is why more than 120 communities have rejected fluoridation over the past 3 years alone,” says FAN’s Campaign Director, Stuart Cooper. “The trend is towards less fluoridation, not more.”

Photo by Mark Colman

In Portland, opposition to fluoridation included the regional Sierra Club, the Portland branch of the NAACP, Oregon’s Department of Environmental Quality employees union, and more than 200 local medical professionals. National leaders also weighed in, including Ralph Nader, Lois Gibbs, John Stauber, Food and Water Watch, Organic Consumers Association, and esteemed scientists Drs. Theo Colborn, William Hirzy and two members of the NRC’s review.

cliff_walkerThe breadth of the coalition was reflected in polling data showing bipartisan opposition to fluoridation among democrats, republicans, and independents alike, and overwhelming opposition among communities of color.

Voters who rejected fluoridation were concerned by research showing low-income communities to be at highest risk of fluoride’s adverse effects with virtualy no offsetting benefit. This fact was not lost on Portland’s low-income neighborhoods, which voted overwhelmingly against fluoridation.

Fluoridation proponents had a massive war chest, raising almost $1 million. They used their nearly 4-to-1 funding advantage and media clout to flood Portland with misleading ads and editorials touting fluoridation as an urgently needed tool for solving the “dental crisis” in the city’s poor neighborhoods.

But there really wasn’t a dental crisis in Portland as the Oregon Department of Health’s own reports indicate. Fluoridationists tried to hide this inconvenient truth, pressuring state officials to not publicize new Smile Survey data showing Portland children’s decay rates have improved without fluoridation and, in fact, are better than most fluoridated cites.

“Fluoridationists had no evidence that any Portland child was fluoride-deficient; but did prove that some Portland children are dentist-deficient.  We urge the legalization of dental therapists in Oregon who will treat the low-income children who dentists refuse to treat,” says Connett.

Activists linked through took the assertion of their personal sovereignty to their local government demanding an end to water fluoridation.  In North Carolina’s Research Triangle Park (Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill), these individuals have spent over a year and a half standing for liberty.  This is their Saga.

What’s The Buzz?


Chris Brown 

Amazing documentary. It shines the light on exactly how incompetent government really is.

Rich Poythress

Hope you guys win. This is Paul Revere in action. Thank You!


Great job on this work you are doing. Thank you. Someone needs to get this stopped, and you guys have thrown yourself in the cogs on the machine. True patriots. Thank you again. I could never say it enough. Thank you.

well done sir….wish i had been in town during the latest meet up.



Only a few minutes into the documentary at this time, but wanted to comment on the scene from the water treatment plant where the foreman explains what the ‘4-0-0’ sign on the fluoride tank means, and just states that the 4 means ‘it’s corrosive.’ I wanted more specifics so I looked up that rating…

The ‘Blue’ rating of 4, according to the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association), details the following warning:

“Materials which upon very limited exposure could cause death or major residual injury even though prompt medical treatment is given, including those which are too dangerous to be approached without specialized protective equipment.” This degree should include:

  • Materials which can penetrate ordinary rubber protective clothing;
  • Materials which under normal conditions or under fire conditions give off gases which are extremely hazardous (i.e., toxic or corrosive) through inhalation or through contact with or absorption through the skin.

Source: NFPA Health Rating System


I’ve finished watching your documentary. WELL DONE, SIR!

Years ago I did a great deal of research on this topic and honestly didn’t expect to learn anything from your video. I was wrong.

It was clear, concise, extremely informative, well thought out and edited. There were none of the things that ‘turn me off’ to a documentary, such overt use of propaganda via ominous music and images.

I would gladly and readily recommend this video to anyone wanting information on water fluoridation!




Simpleton’s observation: why doesn’t any member of a City Council jump right up asa you mention public health concern, like any person in his right mind would do if their own family was at immediate risk? Because it is rethorical until they drop dead in front of their eyes?? I can see how this has become a journey to personal sovereignty because you keep on standing your ground while experiencing the insanity of the system that only works towards the detriment of the people, in any way. The greatest respect for you, I wouldn’t dare go there!

Do you live in Raleigh, Durham or Chapel Hill and want to do something about the systematic medication of our public drinking water?

Then join us for a potluck lunch, discussion and planning meetup on April 20, 2013 at the Indian Creek Shelter & Playground!


There are many individuals in the Triangle area who are deeply concerned about our city’s policy of systematically adding medication to our public water supply. Unfortunately even after a collective 1.5 years of protests, the city councils have not taken our complaints to heart and continue this policy despite the mounting evidence that hydrofluorosilicic acid is detrimental to our health and not beneficial to our teeth.

Therefore we are coming together as a group to discuss how we can work together to affect change and force a referendum vote on this issue.

Click Here To Join/Share the Facebook Event


Indian Creek Shelter A (With Playground)

Directions @ Google Maps

101 Town Hall Drive

Morrisville, NC 27560


12:00pm to 2:00 pm


Bring a prepared dish, a drink and your brain! 

We will share food and nice weather but also discuss this very serious issue and develop a direct action plan to achieve our goals.

Questions about this event can be directed to the facebook page  or my E-mail Address

Help us Promote this Event by Printing & handing out the below flyers (Front and Back)!!

Send Out The WTVD 7.5 min. Investigative Report

Watch Videos of the City Council Trampling YOUR rights!


A discussion taking place on the subpage “Dentists Against Fluoride” caught my eye recently which I found to be intellectually yielding.    I felt the discourse between “Kyle” and Steve Slott, an admitted pro-fluoridationist, would also be educational for others who are interested in this topic but might not have seen it with it being buried in the comment section on a less prominent page.

This discussion elaborates on the official justification our government uses to add Hydrofluorosilicic acid to our water supply which I have contended vehemently since the inception of our site.  Below I have copied in succinct order the banter between two very different points of view and  made its own post.

Judge for yourself which argument makes the most sense and don’t hesitate to comment on the page to weigh in.

For reference I have also included a copy of the MSDS supplied by Durham’s water management department, which support Kyle’s position that an insufficient number of animal studies have been done on Hydrofluorosilicic acid, the chemical used to systematically medicate all citizens in Raleigh, Durham & Chapel Hill:


November 20, 2012 at 4:06 am

Applying fluoride topically is in no way detrimental to your over all health. All fluorides used are anthropogenic meaning man made, and they are not even man made purposefully as they are by products of industry. Hazardous by-products that that, literally they must be disposed of properly as industrial waste, but this is avoided when the compounds are sold privately where like magic they become a product: a fake tooth medicine. Fluoride including natures natural fluoride CaF2 is not an essential nutrient meaning you can go your entire life without it. If you want good teeth then avoid acidic foods and drinks, or when in contact with any acidic foods rinse with or drink regular water as fast as you can which will save you from mineralization.

Steve Slott

March 19, 2013 at 11:40 pm

I suppose that “Kyle” is serious when he authoritatively makes the ridiculous statement that all fluorides used are man made? The hydrofluorosillic acid, refined and diluted for use in water fluoridation systems, is extracted from naturally occurring phosphorite rock in a wet process that also yields phosphoric acid. Phosphoric acid is further refined to be used in fertilizers that are utilized to grow our foods, in soft drinks, and other uses. The HFA and phosphoric acid are co-products of the same process. A “fake tooth medicine”? Well, the first thing I would ask of “Kyle” is that he support this equally ridiculous statement with scientifically accepted studies. As for his advice on how to obtain “good teeth” I would ask that he produce his dental credentials and license to practice dentistry. I would then advise him to contact an attorney to assess his liability for dispensing dental advice under the guise of being authoritative.


April 3, 2013 at 5:40 pm

Could you possibly reply with more hate Steve?

Why I stated HFSA or other silicofluorides to be a fake tooth medicine is because they have actually never been tested. The actual fluoride products used in artificial water fluoridation have neither the required animal studies nor the required human studies to determine safety. In the absence of these safety studies, any claims that these products are “safe” are false and misleading. Additionally I say fake tooth medicine because fluoride does not prevent cavities, and rather than typing why I’d prefer to copy and paste as to explain it better and not waste time on replying to your hatred:

“(ref 4) Tooth enamel (essentially calcium phosphate) reacts with all acids to form cavities (see any chemistry text dealing with solubilities). The proton of the acid pulls the phosphate right out of the enamel, and fast. By drinking a sip of water along with the acid during eating, the acid reacts chemically with water immediately to form hydronium ion and thus the enamel is saved. One can use milk or coffee for the same purpose, since they are both non-acidic. Dr. Albert Schatz, Nobelist who discovered streptomycin, found several decades ago that sharks’ teeth with their excessive fluoride would dissolve just as readily in citric acid as ordinary non-fluoridated teeth, laying to rest the hypothesis that fluoride would stop cavities. The dental people (American Dental Association) pushed aside this discovery and Dr. Schatz’ discoveries regarding excessive baby mortalities caused by fluoridation in Chili, South America as insignificant. They returned his mail 3x unopened and would not deal with him.”

As for you saying I make comments “authoritatively”, honestly I’m just trying to ensure that people not be mass medicated and especially not done so without proper warnings. For years warnings have existed that infants not have their formulas made up with fluoridated water and what average person knows that? You label me “authoritative” for wanting to place and end to AWF while promoters like yourself literally shove a medication and poison down peoples throats an in a method which the chemical is absolutely unavoidable! And you want to call me authoritative? Get a hold of yourself Steve, and please look in the mirror.

As for my advice on how to obtain good teeth I stated the short and sweet summary of what Dr. Gerard F. Judd, Ph.D., Chemistry and Fluoride Researcher covers in his book Good Teeth, Birth to Death. And honestly while you ridicule me, dentists continue to promote fluoridation when in fact they have no say in the matter. Dentists see teeth, not the body, and what is fluoride exposed to in AWF? Every cell of the human body of course. We know fluoride devastates the thyroid, and what do dentists know about the thyroid? Nor do they know anything in toxicology, risk assessment, the bones, the brain, the pineal gland and so much more.

I won’t waste time replying to you again Steve so don’t bother antagonizing myself. Thanks.